
My addict is my boyfriend. I love him so much and I struggle daily with his addiction. Which at this point I feel like it is our addiction since I am so deep into it. Due to my hectic work schedule and location I am unable to attend naranon meetings. I was to a few na meeting before work got really busy but I need support. Is it possible to have a "cyber sponsor"? Someone that you can just pick up and message/text/call when you are having a bad day or are in a rough spot??
As someone who has been finding support online for over 3 years, I can tell you for sure that [b]IT WORKS![/b] My husband is my addict. When he relapsed originally I was a mess and found the online chat room. Through the world of online chat, I have learned a tremendous amount about addiction, but more importantly, [b]I have learned a lot about myself!!![/b] I encourage you to give the online world a real shot to help you. Come to meetings, meet other members, and most importantly [u]keep coming back[/u]. A lot of people who come here are looking for an instantaneous fix or for someone to tell them what to do…Unfortunately, the healing process requires a different path to be taken. But I assure you that it is a path worth taking. I am here for you if you ever need to chat! (and that offer stands for anyone who may be reading this reply)
Hi there I'm in the UK we have no Naranon here only Alanon. Both my sons are addicts one is in rehab the other is has just relapsed his wife too. I'm in need of help I have to change myself they are bringing me down with them . I would like a sponsor please. Preferably someone who is a mum of an addict thanks
Hi, my addicts are my brother and my boyfriend of almost two years. I am new to this because I was always afraid to get help. At this point, I am too afraid to go to face to face meetings. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me figure things out and tell me more about the steps and give me advice on how to get my life together. All of this stress is bringing me down and I can't live like this anymore. I need to learn how to start living again and stop planning my life around people who are just bringing me down right now.
The meetings around me are not only the loved ones of the drug addict, but also a roomful of addicts too! So, I prefer to find online meetings and a sponsor would really help me. I agree with the other posters on this topic: I must make a change in my life to exclude my unhealthy husband and to open the way to new, healthy people, and meanwhile, I feel exhausted, sad, worn out with worry and stress, and fearful for the future. I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
GirlyGirl, finding an online sponsor can be difficult, but I encourage you to join us in the chat room for meetings and conversation. Many of us turn towards the collective group for fellowship and guidance. Hope you will join us, too. You don't have to go through this alone.
Yours in service and friendship,
Never look down on someone unless you're leaning over to help them up.
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