
Hi, Sue. Unfortunately, I understand. My daughter and her fiance (they have a 2 year old together) have been living at my home for over a year now. They went from opiates to heroin and meth over the past few months. He overdosed and died in their room two weeks ago. She overdosed the next night, but someone was there and called 911. She is ok physically, but she is out of her mind with grief. She lost her daughter and fiance, the same thing happened 20 years ago with her first child. That child's dad overdosed and died, and she lost the baby also. So it's like PTSD. And I am exhausted and tired and have no idea how to help. But my other kids are about ready to cut me off if I don't get myself straightened out. That's why I'm looking around on here tonight.
Hi Karen, I am so sorry for what you are going through and for your loss.I cant even imagine. Im grateful that my son and daughter in law dont have children. They also started with opiates in their early 20s and were good for many years. I had no idea it had gotten this bad until a couple years ago. They have lost everything and been in and out of jail. We no longer bail them out but somehow they get each other out and continue the cycle.They are not good for each other. They are on supervised probation now for about a week and left hereabout 2 weeks ago. Dont know where they are. Lay awake nights worrying. I believe they will be both in jail soon for probation violation. I fear everyday they could overdose so Im praying for jail and hope the courts order rehab.
I will pray for you and your daughter and check back later about 4-5 after work.
God Bless
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