
Hey my name is Katie. I made my way here after almost 5 years with my girlfriend. When we met she had about 8 months clean. From there, we had a lot of great times, but her downfall was her mother passing away. About 2 years ago, she relapsed and spent about 7 months lying, cheating and stealing from me and everything she loves and who loves her. She has almost 16 months clean now and after leaving her with time to do therapy and work on her, she feels like she's lost me in the process. I know that I put up a wall and stopped communicating with her at some point to protect myself, but I'm having a hard time opening up again. She has a daughter that I was primary caregiver for dUring that entire time and sometimes that's a sore subject for her. She thinks I resent her for my having to do that. Honestly if nothing else, it let me know that I needed to step up with the little one a long time ago. The cheating was a hard pill to swallow, but I knew that in active addiction, that would probably happen. She thinks it's carried over and I no longer trust her. She recognizes that the trust has taken awhile to work on, but keeps talking about the fact that she's worried we don't have the connection we used to. My issue here lately has been that after you detach with love, how can you reattach? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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