
I'm new.. I have no idea where to start. I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years. He been sober maybe one year out of that 5.. it's actually heartbreaking when u think about. I've tried leaving but idk y I keep staying with him. I have a 7 yrs old boy not his but he the only man He ever known me to date Besides his father. Long story short.. he pushed me around, broken in our house stole everything including my sons games, bank cards etc… now I'm pregnant and all I can think about is how much I'm a horrible mother for doing this to by kids.. I'll have a daughter with no father.. and now I've made life hard for my son… what is wrong with me!!!!! Why do I love this person who acts like he doesn't love me… why do I believe him when he say he does…I never thought there was something wrong with me but now I know it is… I'm the problem and idk where to start.. I begging for HELP pleaseeeee
Why would you think there is something wrong with you?? Your boyfriend has an addiction. You are not the problem. I understand where you are coming from. My husband is a meth addict. We have been married 18 years. I believed him and had hopes for him for years. You can not change what you do not have control of. You can only change what you do have control of…..which is yourself! I filed for divorce this week. I have 2 children with my husband. I realized no one will be strong for my kids but me. They need someone to look up to so I have to step up. I will work and make sure they are fed and I will keep them safe….on my own. No more waiting, no more wishing, no more wanting. I spent years waiting and wishing and watching my kids watch me. I do not wish that on them or anyone else. Do not let him consume you!! Yes, you love him, yes you want change,but only he can change his addiction. You have kids to think about! I just wish I saw this years ago and did something about it then and not now.
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