I get so tired of being lied to right to my face. I am tired of the stealing as well. I don't know what to do with it. It is in my face and I just can't seem to do anything. I feel like I m in this limbo state and I don't know what to do. I confronted it , I know how I feel about it. I can't seem to accept that this person who claims he loves and cares for me can treat me like this . I told him one thing that really bothers me is his lack of remorse. I m like you didn't even say you were sorry, not that it would change things,but I guess my big thing is people that just don't care.I can't seem to comprehend not caring.Maybe I care to much. I know the addiction takes center stage and that is most of the problem..I guess maybe I think I can fight something and win…and I can't ever win with that addiction in his life.Maybe one day I will be able to figure it out and move on from it.
Living with an addict is both emotionally and physically exhausting, especially if the addict is spinning his/her web of lies. When my addict was actively using, he would come up with these elaborate stories (a lot of which he was surprisingly able to keep straight) and the amount that he stole was absurd. I remember feeling almost exactly what you are writing about. It is a terribly hopeless and lonely feeling. [u][b]BUT YOU ARE NOT ALONE![/b][/u] And if you would like to talk, I am here for you…
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