
I am a very broken mother of an adult who is apparently hopelessly addicted to hard-core drugs and alcohol. He moved in with us after the death of his wife who I suspect died of a drug overdose. I now know what is meant by saying this is a family disease, since it is ripping our family apart, and I have pretty much given up my life as I knew it in order to care for him. Everything we have done is not working, and I am here to talk to others who are in the same boat. I am seeking answers as to what others have done, how others have tried to address addiction in your families…your successes, and your failures as it pertains to the person's recovery. I also need to stop blaming myself. I need to re-claim my life.
My son has threatened suicide – leaving notes and verbalizing – and has made several attempts by various means – he even hung himself. He was committed to six hospitals over the past year and a half for these issues. He would have been successful several times if I did not have Narcan and know resuscitation methods. I threatened to kick him out but he has nowhere to go. He does not work, will not seek help except for one stint in a 30-day rehab. He freeloads with us and I can no longer have my very young grandchildren over to visit for fear of what they may find or what they may witness. My other adult kids, all successful and living on their own, tell me to "kick him out." To where??? Where do people kick their adult, suicidal kids out to when they have no friends, no job, or places to stay in the middle of January? If you've done it, how??? I know I should, but I am so afraid to lose him permanently.
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