I have been married to an addict for 18 years. My husband is also bipolar & schizophrenic or schizoaffective disorder. He & I started out drinking (you could say we were functional alcoholics or weekend drinkers) and eventually started using meth together (to stay up & drink longer)and then became daily users (not working & barely functioning). I stopped using about 10 years ago, I don't even drink, smoke cigarettes or use any type of drugs anymore. Thank God! I had great parents that instilled in me the power of God and I know he saved me. I also knew that if I continued to use like I was I may loose my children & my sanity. I wanted him to quit, I moved out to my mothers home and got sober (he was cheating on me during this time, he can never be alone). During this time we were separated he overdosed and was hospitalized for the first time to a psychiatric ward, then to rehab but he was so severely sick that he does not remember rehab much or much about that time. I lost my Mom (he was very close too also)& he lost his Sister in 2003'. In 2007' my husband changed his choice of drug to alcohol but his diabetes made him sick so he stopped drinking. Due to his drinking he became violent and we split up again , I went into a women's shelter with my children and received help (he cheated on me again, like I said he can never be alone), nearly got a divorce and he came back into our lives. He was still using meth I found out (three months later after he was already moved back into my house) in around that time off and on. He soon started seeing a Dr. for his back and the Dr. started giving him morphine for his back and was off of the meth for awhile four years ago his father was diagnosed with cancer and died two years ago all during this time he was using meth. It was so bad at one point he accused my of cheating to the point he was being abusive and threating me, I kicked him out had a restraining order on him and was took him to court for a divorce, and he also had another suicide attempt (cut his wrist and was sent to a crisis center for his suicide & drug usage but released after one week). He and I got back together last summer after being separated for several months (went to marriage counseling). He is now in a recover group program through his mental health hospital not required but goes because I tell him he needs help (this is his forth time staring over in the group). I have requested that he go to rehab but he says they will make him go off his morphine and he is not willing to quit the medication prescribed for his back pain. He does not work he is applying for SSI and he has so many issues he thinks he needs ADHD meds (which is another form of meth) to get sober off of meth. I have no other choice but to leave him because I don't think he can get help. I think trying anymore is a lost cause?
I'm sure I speak for alot of people when I say that your incredibly strong..this is a tough one, reading this made me extremely sad that someone would have to endure these things. It makes me hate addiction even more, I'm a recovering opiate addict I have some understanding of the situation. I do believe that if the person isn't willing to accept,overcome and defeat this sickness(as you did) then it will never happen. I suggest sitting him down and telling him( fully meaning what you say) that this habit ends or I can no longer be a part of your life. My wife said those exact things and meant it, snapped me out of it immediately and I pulled my head out. Use it as a Las ditch effort to reach him. If it doesn't work you shouldn't put yourself through it anymore, your only human you shouldn't be forced to endure that pain anymore.
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