
I am Susan a 60 year old mom of my addicted daughter, who is my only child. She has been using and drinking for too long. Her dad used and drank, her grandfather is an alcoholic, morphine addict. It is so sad and I know I can’t fix her, but keep trying. I am not new to Al-anon, but I am to Nar-anon. I wondered if this is still active?? It looks as though no one has been on here for years. Is there anyone out there?
Thank you,
Hello Susan,
I go by WeeZy here.
My 17-year old son is an addict.
I have been using the Al-Anon app. For over one month. It has been life changing.
I have found a small bigger off serenity and I want more I will keep coming back.
I would like to come here to chat with others who are walking this same journey as me.
We can start! I’ll chat with you.
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