
Hello, I'm Kelsey. I have been in a relationship for the past year and a half with my boyfriend who is an addict. The first time he did this and it blindsided me was last March, when he went missing. Several people reached out to me to ask if I knew where he was and of course at the time I didn't know he was an addict. When he got out of detox he went to live in Florida, messing up all of our plans that we had. I moved back from Louisiana to Texas where I am now attending grad school. While in Florida he became homesick and wanted to be closer to me. He moved back in with his parents. In October, he was working and he started getting sick and couldn't go into work, again he went missing for days and again I took him back. He went to detox and moved to a new city to get away from it all, so needless to say I had to change once again my plans for grad school. We have been doing the long distance thing since October with me moving there in May. So once again, he goes missing, he went into detox last Friday only to leave the place on Sunday. He contacted a friend at a sober living house and asked for help. So again since Monday, he is back in Detox, this time at a center that is miles away from anything. I haven't heard from him since Monday evening before he went in to treatment. I'm at the point now I just don't know what to do anymore and not sure how much more I can handle things. I have found he has been on OkCupid (dating website) since at least October, with pictures he has taken for me. I have asked if he would ever cheat on me and his reply is always no I wouldn't ever think about that, you are the one for me. I don't believe anything he says, I don't trust him. I need some advice or just somewhere I can vent and get some help! Sorry for laying this all out on everyone. I just feel so beat down
Hi Kelsey,
I am new to chat so I hope I`m doing this right. But I am not new to addictions. I have 5 grown children. 2 of them are heroin addicts. God it`s hard for me to even say that. I love them both so much. We have always been very close. But now I to don't trust them, don't believe them, and also feel beat down. They have both stolen from me, made up stories to get money from me,stolen from there jobs, been fired from there jobs, wrecked cars, treated the people they love horribly and, put them in danger.It seems like nothing in the world is as important to them as there drug. The younger one has overdosed several times. these aren't the people I used to know, but this is the life I`m living.I have to learn how to deal with this. I`m so scared its killing me. I have even developed ocd. I uncontrollably cut my hair, why? I don't know.I also gained 50lbs.I`m so ashamed, I quit church, don't attend the social events I used to and generally don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I blame myself for there problems and search for answers. I will never give up on them but, the reason I`m on this site is because I need to learn how to separate myself from there addiction. I`ve finally got to the point that I know I must value my own life. I love my boys, but I would caution any lady who would become involved with them, you, can get out now, later it may not be as easy. My advice is to. Learn now,to value yourself, and set boundrys.Run if you need to, and pursue the best life for [you]!. There is plenty of time for{us], meaning,you and a guy. So, be picky and get what you know you deserve.
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