
I have gone back and forth about attending an actual meeting. I don't know if there is a problem or not. My daughter, who is 18 has completely changed. She was sweet, loving, smart, and enjoyed her family. She was shy and kept to herself. She graduated high school one year early and then she started changing. Now, she bounces from our house when we are fed up to her grandparents house, who refuse to tell her no. She has no job, goes from boy to boy, baths maybe every week or 2, rude and disrespectful to anyone who tries to show her a different way of living. She is in and out of the house all hours of night. She says she has been hooked on drugs but not any longer. But there must be something that is going on. She won't talk to anyone except to snap at them unless you are the person who sees she does not wrong. Her dad and I are in constant battle with family. We are trying our best and failing. One set of grandparents let her come and go and refuse to put her out, of the fear of where she may end up and will not work with us but complain that she is there and will not listen. Then the other gramma thinks our daughter is her best friend and nothing is wrong. Maybe she is not on drugs and we are the crazy ones.
Hi Shannon! This is your daughter. Who knows their daughter more than their Mother? If you think there is something wrong, there probably is! It does sound like she has a drug problem. I am the wife (soon to be ex wife) of a meth addict. We were married 18 years! He was perfect(in my eyes). Kept a job, took care of my kids and I. Then little by little he became more irritable, started losing weight, losing teeth. Then he quit his job of 14 years. I didnt know what was going on until I saw the drugs in my house. I have nothing to tell you to find out, but know there is something wrong. Know there is nothing you can do to change her mind. It is so hard to say and see, but she needs to find out for herself that things need to change. My husband still has not found his rock bottom. I just decided that I did not want to be in his rock bottom with him. You are not crazy!! You are not alone.
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