
Hi My name is Lisa. I have a 24 yr. old daughter how is a heroin addict. I have tried Naranon meetings but get little out of them. They meet twice a week and are 35 min. away. They are combined with Alanon and on the average, there are two women at each meeting who have alcoholic husbands. Not much help…not the same problems…no advice.
Welcome to Nar-Anon Chat! I am so sorry to hear that you do not feel supported by your face-to-face meetings. You will not find that here. There are tons of supportive people here! Our weekly meeting schedule is: Monday & Thursday 9pm EST and Saturday 8:30pm EST. Hope you will join us 🙂 The meetings online have good attendance and I personally find the free chat time wonderfully helpful. The room is mostly used in the evening time, but there are definitely people that pop in throughout the day. I will be around a bunch this week if you wanna meet and chat….just say the word 🙂
Hi Lisa & everyone
Wishing you all some peace tonight.
It's been a difficult road for all of us I'm sure. Our son is 23 & in jail, again. His recovery has been a roller coaster of emotions. Hard to even describe how we feel anymore. But, we have not stopped loving him or given up hope. I hate heroin & addiction.
It is very hard to leave the ones we love to their own devices…especially when those devices are dangerous. My husband is a recovering addict & my step son is also dealing with his own struggles. The best advise I can give you is just be there for them, love them & be ready to catch them when they fall & they will fall…which is a good thing…but don't forget to take care of yourself first & foremost. You & your son will both get through this:)
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