
I've never done this before. But I am at my rock bottom and don't know how to rise up again. I have been battling my husbands addiction for many years and every time I thought it was getting better I would find out something new. Just 2 days ago he moved out because I found heroin in my home, where our 12 year old son lives. I NEVER thought heroin would be a battle in our life but I'm guessing that's because of the lack of my own self-esteem. Wanting to believe it was always going to get better. Wanting to turn a blind eye to his demise. Hoping and praying that one day he would just wake up and say "I need help, take me to rehab." But my ending, turned out to be completely opposite of that. I have been told that he won't ever quit, he loves the way he feels, he's happier when he's high and my love or our sons love will not get that to change. So, he left us and couldn't be happier as I sit here, alone in our house, picking up the pieces.
I don't know where to go from here….
Hi. Thanks for sharing. I too have an AH. Over the course of our marriage there have been several times when mine has said similar words and engaged in similar actions, except his DOC is crack/coke, weed, and alcohol. We pray for them but in the end we have to allow God to change their heart. After years of a roller coaster of bliss and binges, my AH checked himself into rehab 3 days ago. Prior to that I was preparing to emotionally or possibly physically detach myself from him. Keep praying for your husband. Even if you do separate for awhile…never cease praying. No prayer is ever wasted. God hears you…be encouraged.
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