Hi I am new to this. I’ve been to f2f alanon meetings but not nar anon meetings. I didn’t even know nar anon existed until I was referred to it by an alanon group. I’m here today because for the umpteenth time my sister od this morning. We all thought she was doing good, but apparently not. She has an almost 5 month old baby. He’ll be 5 months in two days. She’s hit rock bottom before and it doesn’t seem to have phased her one bit. There’s no hope for her. I mean what’s it gonna take? She already clinically died for two minutes.
Hi there, so sorry to hear about your situation and your sister. I’m new to this as well. My ex boyfriend turned to drugs after we broke up 6 years ago and has since become addicted to meth, homeless and in and out of jail. It’s heart breaking to see the direction his life has taken and I often wonder too what it’s going to take for him to turn around. I guess no one knows what it will take except the users and therefore we cannot try to guess or assume we know what they need. It’s so frustrating to not have any control over it. For me that’s the hardest thing and I imagine you can relate when your sister keeps repeating her actions. I pray her baby is safe.
Well, I don’t know if I am doing this right but there is only one way to know is by doing it:)
I am new to AR anon but have been in group ANAD(Anorexia Nervosas and associated Disorders) for myself years ago. I am not new to addiction per say but when it pertains to my child very new. He just turned 31 and has been clean since February, 2020. He did go to rehab for 30 days and sober living for 3 months. He moved home with myself and husband. Know that this is not recommended but through careful consideration talking with him and prayer this was out choice. Has gone very well except I am a Co-Dependent and have been as far back as I can remember. I fight it but have done pretty good with him and my husband.
I am in a 12 Step Group called Regeneration through my church since September, 2019 before that tragic day. Step 11. This was and is my lifesaver!
Since I am new to being a parent of an addict and being codependent I find myself lost and trying to answer my husbands questions which I am ill-equipped!! I have fought seeking out a forum such as this. Perhaps what I don’t know won’t hurt me?? Today my heart won so here I found this site.
I look forward to learning and hearing others stories!
Thanks for listening:)
Tamara (one who does her best to find joy in each day even when the walls are closing in and the skies are dark)
DesperateDad said
I have thought about Naranon for a long time and have been encouraged to join. I haven really no one to talk to about this anymore that can really help me get clarity
Hi Desperate Dad! Welcome! You have come to the right place for help. There is nothing worse than feeling like you have no one to talk to that understands. I felt that way when I first joined here. This community has saved my life and my sanity. I hope you come join us in the online meetings. Lots of people in there that have been or are currently in your shoes. Looking forward to seeing you there!
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