
Hi All,
I am a recovering parent who has never been to a Nar-Anon meeting. I now live in Australia. When my children got sober I live in Los Angeles so there were many meetings to choose from. The first year i went to 5 meetings a week plus one evening in therapy. That was 1985ish. My son was 15 and in rehab. My daughter followed. She actually told me she thought she had a problem with alcohol. They both got sober. The son became Mr AA and she was sober and then slipped numerous times. Eventually, she really slipped at about 21 and finally hit bottom and has been sober for over 20 years.
When i moved up to Northern CA I never quite found a meeting I liked. I had a whole bunch of personal dramas and did not get seriously back into any program until maybe 5 years ago when i tried to move back to the USA and it went very pear-shaped. I have done Al-Anon since then as there is no other program to do here.
As in many places, there are serious drug issues in the community and while there is an NA meeting i think there is no meeting for parents except those who come to Al-Anon and only mention the drugs with the alcohol.
When I started in recovery, as well as Al-Anon, there was PDAP and really those fellow parents got me through a LOT. I just do not like to see that there is no one for the parents. I am debating with myself if i should try to start a Nar-Anon group locally.
I'm 67 and have some chronic fatigue. It comes and goes. The closest meeting is in Brisbane which is maybe 1.5 to 2 hours away. I also have ADHD and a few other issues.
I thought I'd come here and ask for help with this decision. I don't need to make it in a hurry. I just need to make it.
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