
My husband never even touched a cigarette. Someone introduced to him to crack 4 weeks ago and my life is pure hell. He wiped out almost 2000 from my bank. We cant send my son to summer camp. Hes erratic mean loud and crazy. I thought he stopped for about 4 days and I caught him digging for crumbs in his truck last night for hours thinking he’d find more. Hes now taken off to pawn stuff. We aren’t like this. We live a normal boring life. I am in unknown waters. I need help pleaseee
Bethany, sorry for the late response. Please try to attend one of our meetings at 9:00 pm eastern time Monday and Thursday and 8:30 pm eastern time on Saturdays. You may also find immediate help and advice at a local Nar-Anon or Alanon meeting in your area. Check us out. you will learn a lot about living with addition and how it is possible to find serenity for yourself, whether your addict is using or not.
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