
Hi…My first time here, so please be patient with me. I'm pretty clueless how this all works. I'm the mom of an AS who yesterday voluntarily admitted himself into a detox/rehab program. Not his first rodeo. He's made these attempts at sobriety before. But, each time I remain hopeful and optimistic that "This Time" will stick. "This Time" he'll realize he's worth it. As his mom I gave him LIFE to love it and to LIVE it. My son's name is Vincent and tomorrow (April 24th) is his 29th birthday. It will be the 3rd birthday that I didn't have him home with me to celebrate it with him. But, I told him when he completes this program we will celebrate and sing and enjoy another chance at life! My son was 8 months sober until a month ago when he relapsed. I know he was angry and disappointed in himself. I feel he truly and honestly wants sobriety for himself as much as I do. I'm hoping I'll actually get the hang of this online support site…If any of you see me floundering, please send me a lifeline (LOL)
Hi, I am completely new to this also. A few years back, I had been on another site but it has been so long I forgot which one it was….My son, 24 yrs old, was clean from drugs for 2 years…..his gf just told me today he is back on them. It has been a bit of a break, and I am still shocked to be heading down this path again, and afraid it will take over my life again. Called off work to go see him and he got very angry that I asked about the drugs. No reason to not believe his gf. I understand your pain.
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