
Hello just joined and wanted to share some of my situation. Would appreciate any feedback. My 50 year old brother has extensive history of drug abuse, prison and financially using my mom. My elderly mom and I share a house. Long story short mom has a very hard time saying no to his money demands and is breaking herself financially. He currently has her car and won't return it. Has had it for 3 weeks now. Have not had any luck with police who state if it was loaned to person they won't get involved. There is a long term elder abuse case opened on him, but have little sway with it as mom gives in continually to his financial woes.
Any suggestions on how to protect mom as she is getting older? She has some cognitive issues, but is still functional. During last meeting with caseworker mom agreed to not write checks directly to him or give any cash. If she wants to help with bill I am to pay directly to business. Would be a huge improvement in the outflow IF she will stick with it.
As for the car he has the only key to it. I'm thinking of having it towed and having it rekeyed if I can find it. Of course that's just more money out the door. He did call for money yesterday and she told him no money till she gets car back. So frustrated with dealing with this but stuck. Feel like I have to do what I can to help her. Ideas? Thanks.
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