Hello! This is my first time reaching out for help from somewhere other than my family. My sister has completely ruined her own life with her addiction but has now brought 2 beautiful children into it. She neglects her eldest and uses the youngest as leverage against my family and the baby’s dad. Both of the girls dads are also terrible people. My family has stepped in and between my other sister myself and mom we have taken care of and supported the kids. My sister is heroin addict and recently nodded out in her car at a family camping trip with her children there. She’s been in numerous car accidents this year alone and continues to endanger her children. We’ve been dealing with her addiction for about 15 years now, she started using when she was 14. She has put us all through hell repeatedly and I absolutely hate her. My mom is also an enabler and makes excuses for her and covers for her. I understand that she is her child but so are my other sister and I and her grandkids are suffering. My sister is selfish and disgusting and my sister and I are completely done with her but we have to engage because of the kids. We have called children and youth several times, but because the kids and bad sister live with good sister they basically beds, food and clothes and aren’t missing school so they agency won’t step in. It’s just so frustrating, and at this point I could care less about my sister, I just want my nieces to be safe and to be with myself and my husband.
Rubylee it sounds like you are in a really tough position. It is so hard when children are involved. I encourage you to attend one of our meetings on Mondays, Thursdays, or Saturday nights. You will learn a lot that will help you to heal yourself (I know that sounds weird when it is your sister who is the addict). Unfortunately when there is an addict in the family, we all suffer. I hope to see you there one of these nights.
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