If someone told me 20 years ago that my amazing, smart, funny, talented daughter would still be using at 35 I don’t think I could have hung on. This is the reality though. Nothing can change her behavior or circumstance but her. Still, it is heartbreaking for both of us. What she is doing stopped being fun a long time ago. I can tell you the ways our justice system and rehab let her down when she begged to stay, begged for her life only to be put out. People can change they can turn their lives around even after so many years of using. This gives me hope. Rehab in Seattle also has changed for the better. Our opioid crisis here and everywhere is now opening up dialogue which we badly need to help our addicted love ones get clean rejoin their families and lead a meaningful life. I would appreciate hearing from other parents with adult children suffering from addiction. Peace & love.
Hello ladies, I guess from my perspective, having lived with my own son’s active addiction for 10 years, I look back and think of it as not really living, but it was pure hell. My son has been clean now for almost 2 years. I have been in Nar-Anon and this group for over 2 years. What I have learned here has really helped me to recover from all of craziness we endure from addiction. I hope you will check out our meetings here. It is a great group and you will learn so much.
My daughter just went back to rehab again yesterday. It will be the 14th time. She is beautiful and smart and amazing, but also a heroin addict. She can’t seem to stay clean. I am just shattered (again) — I was sure she was going well this time and I even let her move into my house two months ago. She started using again shortly thereafter. I’m just heartbroken and it’s harder and harder to keep hoping that this time it’s going to “work”. Thank you.
Dear CRL, I am so sorry about your daughter. Please consider coming to our meetings in the chat room. Monday and Thursday 9:00 pm and Saturdays at 8:30 pm EST. Hopefully there may beet a Nar-Anon chapter in your area you could check out too. You will learn so much and find yourself with people who understand because we have all been there and done that.
Hello Hope4Her
Just signed up to this website and read your post from last winter, I totally felt your pain as it felt like our storey. Have things improved all? As much as I want our daughter to get sober and stay there in my heart I don’t think it will happen, she’s had more support than 100 addicts put together, I need to let go at some point or it will kill me.
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