
Hello, My (adult) brother lives with my senior, disabled parents. He is dealing out of their house, stealing from them and the neighbors. His room is strewn with things like torches, glass pipes, lightbulbs with holes in them that he is using as a pipe and tons of syringes. My father wants to kick him out. My mom does not want too. I think that by letting him stay in the house and continue this behavior , they are enabling him to continue this destructive behavior. My mom can't stand the idea of him living on the street. I think he has to hit rock bottom before he will straighten out. Maybe if he has nothing and no place to live he will realize how messed up his life is. Any advice? I am I wrong?
Hello Conner76,
You are not wrong. In fact, you are right on the money! There is no way that your brother will hit bottom with your mother enabling him. Worse than that, if your parents know he is dealing out of their house, they can be charged too! Does your mom acknowledge that there is a problem? Have you spoken with your parents about attending any Nar-Anon meetings? Attending meetings and seeing that they are not alone and that there is a healthier way to live might help them. I encourage you to also partake in meetings (online or in person). I have learned a tremendous amount that way about addiction. I hope to see you at a meeting 🙂
One more thing…..There is a book that my sponsor recommended to me. It is called [i][b]First Aid for the Enabler[/b][/i] by Dr. David Curry. I found that helpful. Maybe it will help your mom.
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