
[b]Thank you for checking out the Message Boards. You are welcome to contribute. [/b]
[i][b]First I would like to point out that the New Topic Subscribe button is actually 2 separate tabs even though it appears as one.[/b][/i]
[b]To create a new thread[/b], please click into the specific topic thread list where others have opened threads. Click on the words New Topic (Blue Tab on top right). This will open a box to type your message. When you have completed your message, please press submit. [i]If you are inside an individual's specific thread you will not be able to see the New Topic button and need to return to the topic thread list screen.[/i]
[b]To reply to a thread [/b]that someone else has posted, please open that particular thread. At the bottom there is a quick reply box. Please type your reply in this box, then click the submit quick reply.
[b]To receive notifications of a post in any forum[/b], please click on the word Subscribe (Blue Tab) in the specific forum. This will create a pop up that states, "This will notify you of all new Topics created in this Forum. Are you sure that is what you want to do?" Click OK. This will automatically generate an email to you when others post within that forum. You can subscribe to any forum without creating your own post.
It is simple. Happy posting!
The chat room is great! It is fully integrated with the main site, which means it is the same password and user name. When you click on the chat room link it should auto-load to the sign in. Once signed in, it brings you to the lobby. The main chat room is the one called Nar-Anon Chat. If you click on it, it should bring you into the room. Hope that helps. If you still need additional information, there is a "contact us" button at the bottom of every page. And welcome to the site. I am looking forward to chatting with you 🙂
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